

一年 事件
1906 俄克拉何马州浸信会总会任命了一个教育委员会.
1907 教育统筹委员会建议“成立一所新的浸会大学”.”
1910 Charter of Incorporation is issued Feb. 9 for The Baptist University of Oklahoma.
1911 School opens in the First Baptist Church of Shawnee. Dr. J.M. 卡罗尔是校长.
1912 Operations are suspended in May because of financial exigency.
1915 School opens in September in a new building, 肖尼大厅, built by the city of Shawnee on a 60-acre campus. Dr. F.M. Masters is OBU’s second president.
1919-22 Dr. J.A. 托尔曼是OBU的第三任总裁.
1920 Name changes to The 俄克拉何马浸会大学.
1922-26 Dr. J.B. 劳伦斯是OBU的第四任校长,也是肖尼第一浸信会的牧师.
1926 俄克拉何马浸信会总会开始定期资助OBU.
1926-30 Dr. W.W. 费兰是OBU的第五任总裁.
1928 W.M.U. 纪念宿舍,由俄克拉何马妇女传教联盟建造和资助,对学生开放.
1930-32 Dr. W.C. 布恩是OBU的第六任总裁.
1932-34 Dr. 黑尔C. Davis is OBU’s seventh president.
1934-61 Dr. 约翰·韦斯利·雷利, chairman of the 校董会, 当选为OBU第八任校长,并开始了该校历史上最长的校长任期.
1943 OBU trains 1,500 Army Air Corps pre-aviation cadets on the campus.
1946 OBU’s endowment fund is established with $40,979.
1948 Brotherhood Dormitory is completed.
1951 福特音乐厅建成.
1952 认证由中北部学院和中学协会获得. OBU begins a Bachelor of Science in 护理 degree program.
1954 Thurmond Hall, an administration and science building, is completed.
1956 夫人. W.S. Kerr Memorial Dormitory is completed.
1960 OBU’s 护理 program is accredited by the National League for 护理.
1961 Dr. 约翰·韦斯利·雷利 resigns his presidency due to health reasons. 他被选为总理.
1961-65 Dr. James Ralph Scales is elected as OBU’s ninth president.
1963 斯塔布菲尔德教堂-肖尼第一浸信会教堂的原始建筑-被转移到校园. 1906年,这栋建筑举办了印第安地区浸信会总会的最后一次会议. At the conclusion of the meeting, 该大会与俄克拉何马浸信会州大会合并,形成俄克拉何马浸信会大会.
1963 The music department of the Warren M. 安吉尔美术学院获得全国音乐学院协会的认证.
1965 Dr. James Ralph Scales resigns the presidency. He becomes president of Wake Forest University in 1967.
1966 OBU的野牛篮球队赢得了NAIA冠军,成为俄克拉何马州第一支获得冠军的球队.
1966-70 Dr. Grady C. Cothen is elected OBU’s 10th president.
1967 Bel Air Complex – now Howard Residence Center – is completed.
1969 国家教师教育认证委员会对OBU的课程进行了认证.
1970 The Geiger Center for University Life is completed.
1970 OBU’s academic calendar changes to a 4-1-4 format. The Unified Studies program is adopted.
1970 Dr. 科恩辞职成为新奥尔良浸信会神学院院长.
1971-76 Dr. 威廉G. 坦纳被选为OBU的第11任校长,梅比美术中心在雷利教堂开业.
1972 The Neptune Computer Center in Thurmond Hall opens to students.
1974 大卫L. Boren, OBU政治学副教授,当选为俄克拉荷马州州长.
1976 Dr. 坦纳辞职,成为美南浸信会家庭传教委员会主席.
1976 The 也许是学习中心 is dedicated.
1977-82 Dr. E. Eugene Hall is elected OBU’s 12th president.
1977 商学院、基督教服务学院和护理学院是在现有学术课程的基础上建立起来的.
1977 West University Apartments are constructed.
1981 W.M.U. Memorial and Brotherhood dormitories undergo major renovations.
1982 OBU的第一个教授职位,奥吉·亨利圣经教授,成立.
1982 Dr. 霍尔辞去校长职务,到新奥尔良浸信会神学院任教.
1982-98 Dr. 鲍勃·R. Agee is elected OBU’s 13th president.
1982 The Noble Complex for 皇冠hg888注册 opens. Burns Apartments and Peitz Plaza are completed.
1983 与BGCO合作, OBU开设了基督教研究校外课程的部培训学院项目.
1985 W.P. Wood Science Building is completed.
1985 OBU celebrates its 75th anniversary.
1985 Cobbs已婚学生公寓已经完工,OBU收购了Devereaux East Apartments.
1985 The Physical Plant building is named in honor of Kenneth Eyer.
1986 Sarkeys Telecommunication Building is completed.
1987 OBU launches a partnership program with China’s Xinjiang University.
1987 Jent校友中心和Williamson护理教育中心成立.
1988 Devereaux West Student Apartments are constructed.
1989 商学院的命名是为了纪念阿德莫尔商人保罗·狄金森.
1990 Midland Apartments are acquired by the University.
1990 OBU assumes ownership of Tulsa Royalties Company, a private foundation.
1990 West University Apartments are expanded by 16 units. MacArthur Drive Apartments are constructed.
1990 野牛队赢得了NAIA男子户外田径全国冠军.
1992 OBU’s endowment exceeds $30 million.
1993 保罗·迪金森商学院所在地贝利商务中心开业.
1993 OBU推出婚姻和家庭治疗理学硕士学位课程.
1993 OBU-Global Options incorporates in summer 1993.
1996 商学院是由大学商学院和项目协会认证的.
1997 The Doris and Jim Taylor Residence Center opens.
1998 Dr. 鲍勃·R. Agee retires after 16 years as OBU president.
1998 OBU’s endowment exceeds $60 million.
1998-2007 Dr. 标志着. Brister is elected OBU’s 14th president.
1999 OBU校园扩大了50%,购买了毗邻北部边界的69英亩土地.
2000 A three-year renovation of Raley Chapel is completed.
2001 The Art Building is remodeled and an art professorship established.
2002 The Millennium Park is dedicated. Two endowed business faculty positions are established.
2003 The renovation of Craig-Dorland Theatre is completed.
2004 A study and evaluation of the Unified Studies curriculum begins, culminating in trustees adopting recommended revisions in 2005.
2005 受托人批准建造新的健康和运动设施的计划.
2005 艾弗里T. Willis Center for 全球推广 is created.
2005 OBU的Lady Bison赢得了NAIA女子室内田径全国冠军.
2006 OBU adds men’s and women’s soccer as varsity sports. Work begins on wellness and athletic facilities.
2007 OBU的女野牛赢得了他们的第二个NAIA女子室内田径全国冠军. OBU的Bison赢得了他们的第二次NAIA男子户外田径全国冠军.
2007 The 康体娱乐中心 is dedicated.
2007 Dr. 标志着. 布里斯特从总裁职位上退休.
2007 约翰W. OBU名誉执行副总裁帕里什被任命为临时总裁.
2008 受托人将OBU的新跑道命名为纪念野牛队的长期教练小埃迪·赫特.
2008 OBU’s 康体娱乐中心 opens.
2009-19 Dr. 大卫·W. Whitlock is elected OBU’s 15th president.
2010 OBU庆祝成立一百周年.
2010 OBU在女子室内田径和男子篮球中获得全国冠军.
2010 OBU adds football, men’s and women’s swimming and women’s lacrosse.
2011 OBU wins NAIA National Championships in 女子室内田径赛.
2011 OBU launches a $42 million capital campaign, 展望新世纪, the largest ever undertaken by OBU.
2012 OBU赢得了男子游泳、跳水和女子户外田径全国冠军.
2012 OBU为保罗和安·米尔本学生成功中心和小埃迪·赫特奉献了. 纪念径综合大楼.
2013 OBU成为有史以来第一个在同一天获得四个NAIA全国锦标赛冠军的学校, 男子、女子室内田径、男子、女子游泳、跳水冠军. 男子和女子田径队还在那年春天晚些时候赢得了NAIA户外锦标赛的冠军.
2013 OBU获得了利尔菲尔德体育总监杯,这是NAIA顶级体育项目的奖项.
2014 OBU庆祝Chick-fil-A Express和Cafe on the Hill的盛大开业.
2014 OBU连续第二年获得利尔菲尔德体育总监杯.
2014 OBU is recommended for year one of NCAA Division II candidacy.
2014 OBU wins NAIA National Championships in men’s swimming and diving, 女子游泳和跳水, and 女子室内田径赛.
2014 萨拉娄和罗伯特嘉吉进步和校友中心是专门的.
2015 “The Lodge”是学生居住村的第四栋建筑.
2015 OBU声称连续第三届利尔菲尔德体育总监杯是NAIA顶级体育项目.
2015 OBU wins NAIA National Championships in men’s swimming and diving, 女子游泳和跳水, and 女子室内田径赛.
2016 简E. 和尼克·K. OBU护理学院的新家Stavros Hall落成.
2016 OBU dedicates Virtus Bison sculptures and new university sign.
2016 OBU wins NCCAA National Championships in men’s indoor track and field, 女子室内田径赛, 男子户外田径, wo男子户外田径, 和棒球.
2017 OBU is approved for full NCAA Division II membership.
2017 OBU wins NCCAA National Championships in baseball, 垒球, men’s and women’s indoor and outdoor track and field, 还有男子和女子网球.
2018 福特音乐厅进行了重大翻新,包括所有美术领域,并更名为福特音乐厅.
2018 OBU成立了迪克和苏·雷德学生生活办公室和精神生活女性视觉中心.
2019 Dr. 大卫·W. 惠特洛克辞去总裁职务.
2019 Former OBU Chief Academic Officer, Dr. C. Pat Taylor, is appointed interim president.
2019 Dr. 希斯一个. Thomas is elected OBU’s 16th president.
2019 Hobby Lobby and Green Family donate the former St. Gregory’s University campus to OBU.
2020 普林斯顿评论连续第16年将OBU评为“西部最佳”.S. News and World Report for 29th consecutive year.