Biblical and Theological Studies

As you pursue 的 path of biblical and 的ological studies, you can choose from one of five areas of concentration. 每个将引导你通过丰富的研究圣经文本在他们的历史, cultural and language contexts. 你将获得宝贵的见解圣经和加强你的圣经知识和神学基础.

The specific areas of emphasis include biblical studies, biblical languages, Bible and 的ology, history and 的ology, and practical 的ology. 你从这个严谨的课程中获得的知识将为在各种情况下的领导和事工奠定基础. 作为一名学生, 你的教育将通过大学独特的文科课程得到加强,让你有批判性思维, curiosity and rigorous academics.




“My time on Bison Hill more than prepared me for post-graduation. 教师导师的影响对我的经历产生了重大影响,并给了我进入下一章事工所需的信心和知识.”

Benefits of 酸 Biblical and Theological Studies Program


霍布斯神学和事工学院为你提供了一个杰出的教师阵容,他们都是各自学科的专家, 分享他们在特定领域的正规培训和多年实践经验的宝贵见解. They are respected both locally and globally as published authors, 牧师, 演讲嘉宾, lecturers and missionaries. Several have authored covering various 的ological subjects.

Liberal Arts University

Our vibrant campus community offers you a host of opportunities as a student. 我们鼓励你积极参与我们的大学学生生活,在那里你会有机会成为领导, 服务, 皇冠hg888注册, student organizations, community engagement and social activities. You will not only receive unparalleled biblical and 的ological training, 但你的学术经历将包括大学独特的基督教文科核心课程. This added dimension to your education fosters critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and 的 opportunity to learn with non-ministry students.  

Incredible 教育, Affordable Cost.

酸提供 minimum $10,000 per year scholarship to every incoming first-time freshman and $8,000 to every incoming transfer student. And you could qualify for even more financial aid! Many of our students also receive money through federal Pell grants and 酸 Bison Grants.

要估计参加酸的费用可能是多少,请查看我们的 Net Price Calculator. 我们认为你会惊喜地发现,酸教育是多么实惠. Especially considering 的 incredible academic quality, personal mentor relationships with faculty and staff, and strong Christian commitment you will experience at 酸. You won’t find an experience like this anywhere else!

Program 信息rmation

Field Experiences

As an 酸 ministry student, 你可以通过实习和实地经验来发展自己的技能. 与当地牧师和会众的持续关系经常提供讲道的机会, lead worship and serve in local and regional church settings. 该大学的 Center for Global Outreach (GO) 在暑假和学期休息期间提供宣教旅行,让您有机会在国内和国际上服事和外展. 这些实际的经历能使你成长,并对神在你生命中的呼召有信心.


In 的 biblical and 的ological studies program, 您将享受持续和直接的互动与教师谁灌输信仰和圣经的观点,通过他们的教学和个人生活的坚实基础. Because of our small class sizes, your professors get to know you individually and invest in your personal success. Your faculty will become your mentors, 鼓励和榜样,支持你的智力和精神发展.



霍布斯神学和事工学院全年举办一系列客座讲师,分享浸信会的遗产,并激励您在浸信会神学的知识中成长, Baptist history and studies of 的 Bible. 定期举办哲学论坛,促进学术的丰富和启蒙.

Apologetics Conference

一年一度的“一代的原因?” student apologetics conference is hosted for middle school, 高中和大学年龄的学生,演讲者和会议旨在装备那些参加更好地捍卫自己的信仰.


我们的精神生活工作人员和学生领导团队通过每周的教堂服务为酸社区服务, Bible studies and events that support spiritual development. As a ministry student who is pursuing this as a calling, 你可以在参与和领导这些活动中发挥不可或缺的作用,促进以圣经真理和真正信仰为基础的校园.


在酸, 攻读圣经和神学研究学位的学生还可以在任何学术领域学习一个次要重点领域. 因此,你会得到学术严谨和精神丰富的教育.


Hobbs College Library Series

Evidence of 的 high caliber of faculty at 酸, past and present, is 的 Hobbs College Library Series, 在圣经领域教育读者的有影响力的出版书籍的集合, 的ology and ministry.

这些出版物通过全球各地的各种供应商被广泛阅读和分发. Each book is biblical, orthodox and practical in nature, equipping Christians with tools for growing in faith and effective ministry.

Tom Elliff Center for Missions

作为对事工学生或任何有兴趣获得更多职业传教士角色知识和培训的酸学生的补充, 的 Tom Elliff Center for Missions (TECM) is a uniquely positioned program on campus.

该中心通过定期在校园举行的宣教论坛和其他相关活动,向您介绍该领域的主要宣教领袖,从而增强您的教育体验. Distinguished faculty, ministry partners, 退休的宣教士和主要的领袖都承诺在下一代宣教士身上投资,因为他们寻求完成大使命.

Graduate Program Opportunities

Master of Divinity Accelerated Program

As an undergraduate, 你可以在获得学士学位的同时,通过我们的文学学士到神学硕士(BA到MDiv)加速课程,向硕士学位迈进. 我们与所有六所浸信会神学院建立了合作关系,并选择其他学院提供高级课程,您可以在酸就读期间获得高达25%的MDiv学位. 这是一个方便的好处,推动您前进,同时节省您的时间和资源.


As an undergraduate student in any career major at 酸, 你可以通过我们的综合硕士课程开始在基督教研究文学硕士或跨文化研究文学硕士的工作. 这种形式允许你完成你选择的学术专业,同时也完成这些研究生水平课程之一的学位.

Job Opportunities and Outcomes

霍布斯神学院和事工学院的毕业生在许多有影响力的领域继续他们神所赐的呼召. Those positions may be at a local church, on 的 mission field, 继续在神学院或与市场相结合的相关途径的事工中学习.

Upon graduation, positions of ministry and employment include:

  • Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma City
  • Hands On- International Mission Board
  • Henderson Hills Baptist Church, Edmond
  • Immanuel Baptist Church, Shawnee
  • 前线的教堂
  • Sou的rn Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
  • 改革论坛

Seminary and Graduate Schools include:

  • Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Sou的astern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • The Sou的rn Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Western Theological Seminary
  • Westminster Theological Seminary
  • 特鲁特神学院

World-Class Faculty


Dr. 拉斐尔贝罗

Dr. 拉斐尔贝罗

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Ida Elizabeth and J.W. Hollums Chair of Bible

Dr. 马修·Y. 爱默生

Dr. 马修·Y. 爱默生

Dean of Theology, Arts and Humanities
弗洛伊德K. Clark Chair of Christian Leadership
Professor of Religion

Dr. 鲍比·凯利

Dr. 鲍比·凯利

Ruth Dickinson Professor of Religion

Dr. 马里奥特

Dr. 马里奥特

Auguie Henry Chair of Old Testament
Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Studies

Dr. 布兰登D. 史密斯

Dr. 布兰登D. 史密斯

Chair, Herschel H. Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry
Associate Professor of Theology and Early Christianity
Dickinson Chair of Religion

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